This book will help us to be the kind of parents we wish we had!
About the book:
This is the sequel to “Cutting the Ties that Bind” and contains advanced information that can be used to release ourselves from more complex systems that programme behaviours. These include familial and national customs – things we do without even thinking about them – role playing, acting out of superstition, fear of unmentioned taboos, old prejudices and fears that we accept blindly.
This is the book that will make us “see” what we are doing; it will help us to be the kind of parents we wish we had!
This very important book is a textbook for effective self-awareness that opens the door to a lifestyle for self-assured and happy people.
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This book is a print-on-demand title and is only produced when ordered. This can lead to slightly longer delivery times than usual. Thank you for your patience!
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Produktkategorie: Buch; digitales Produkt (E-Book)
Sheema Medien Verlag, Cornelia Linder, Hirnsberger Str. 52, D – 83093 Antwort, / ab 01.01.2025: Sheema Medien Verlag, Stefan Reinmuth, Ernestinerstr. 16, D – 98617 Meiningen,
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