Cutting more Ties That Bind (Paperback)


Releasing from Inhibiting Patterns
Extended Edition

Englischsprachiger Ratgeber

Paperback, 216 Seiten


This book will help us to be the kind of parents we wish we had!

About the book:

This is the sequel to “Cutting the Ties that Bind” and contains advanced information that can be used to release ourselves from more complex systems that programme behaviours. These include familial and national customs – things we do without even thinking about them – role playing, acting out of superstition, fear of unmentioned taboos, old prejudices and fears that we accept blindly.

This is the book that will make us “see” what we are doing; it will help us to be the kind of parents we wish we had!

This very important book is a textbook for effective self-awareness that opens the door to a lifestyle for self-assured and happy people.


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Sheema Medien Verlag, Cornelia Linder, Hirnsberger Str. 52, D – 83093 Antwort, / ab 01.01.2025: Sheema Medien Verlag, Stefan Reinmuth, Ernestinerstr. 16, D – 98617 Meiningen,

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Mehr zur Autorin

Phyllis Krystal

Phyllis Krystal

From the beginning, Phyllis Krystal’s life (May, 11th, 1914 – December, 10th, 2016) had been characterized by her interest in fundamental and profound questions concerning the human existence.


Surely, the fi rst requisite for a more successful system of educating
children is the re-education of adults, precisely because children are, of
necessity, trained by adults, both parents and teachers. Consequently,
adults need to be re-educated in a manner very different from their own
original indoctrination.
The chain-reaction that can be observed in patterns of behaviour handed
down from one generation to the next must be broken. This will allow
human beings to develop into self-reliant, independent, mature men and
women, free to make choices between what is currently appropriate and
the often outmoded or negative patterns handed down to them through
their family heritage. These old patterns can be so constricting that change
and progress become impossible for those imprisoned by them. We so
often mechanically and unthinkingly echo whatever we have heard all our
lives without even questioning whether it is true or useful in day-to-day
life. Many people live through an entire lifetime automatically following
inherited patterns of behaviour whether they are currently practical or
All the more primitive species learn by the repetition of tried and proven
behaviour, either as directly taught by their parents or as copied from
them. In this way it is imprinted on their nervous systems and acts as a
defence against attack, hunger and other problems they may encounter. It
allows them instinctively to know how and when to react.
But, though human beings are like animals in many ways, they do not
live solely on the instinctive plane. They possess the abilities of thinking,
reasoning, questioning and being creative in many ways in addition to eating,
sleeping and producing offspring. Therefore, they are able individually
to form new habits to fi t changing times and conditions.   (…)

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